Blueprint Blog

Featured Post:

The Journey of the Intentional Father

Gentlemen, As we continue unpacking the art and science of fatherhood we discover that being a dad is a grand adventure.  From the tender years of infancy through the tough years of adolescence every...

Exodus: From Bondage to Freedom

Fellow Warrior, This iconic painting of George Washington and his valiant men crossing the frozen Delaware River cause me to feel both a sense of pride and an icy shiver from what they were...

Archived Post:

🎄 The Art of Giving: The Birth of Christ & The Death of Death

🎄 Merry Christmas!hristmas! As we embrace the warmth and joy of this holiday season, we hope you are finding comfort and happiness surrounded by friends and family. In preparing for this newsletter, I...

💌 The Art of Giving – There’s More Coming!

There's More Coming! It's the end of the year, and the holiday crush is about to begin. But before it does, I would like to make one final appeal to ask you to consider supporting this ministry so...

🎁 The Art of Giving – What If God Doesn’t Provide?

The Art of Giving - What If God Doesn't Provide? Recently, I had an existential crisis. "God, I thought I was called to do your ministry and to build better men. Yet looking at my financial situation...