Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Collegedale Church 4829 College Dr E, Collegedale, TN, United States

Gentlemen, You are invited to attend our annual Collegedale Area Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Sunday, January 19 at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Our theme this year is "Men of Action" and our focus verse is... Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let everything you do be done […]

10 Year Anniversary Celebration

Blueprint for Men is celebrating it's 10-year anniversary on April 13, 2025 and you are invited to attend. Complete details coming soon!

Father’s Day

JUNE 15, 2025 Father's Day is an important date on the calendar for families, churches, communities, and our nation. It's a day to celebrate dads, to affirm them for the strength they bring to their families, and to encourage them to be the fathers that their kids need them to be. But it takes more […]