
Rock-Solid Men’s Retreat

Hidden Springs 5300 Howardsville Rd, Apison, TN, United States

Greetings Brothers, The Rock-Solid Men’s Retreat will be held on the weekend of March 26-28, 2021 at HIDDEN SPRINGS (PLEASE NOTE THIS CHANGE FROM STERN MOUNTAIN) near Chattanooga, TN.  This is a weekend event designed to recharge your depleted soul through challenging messages, inspirational music, deep conversations, outdoor recreation, and brotherhood! You can choose to come for […]

Authentic Manhood Expedition

Greetings Mountain Men, John Muir once penned the inspirational quote… “The mountains are calling, and I must go.” And while I wholeheartedly agree with Muir, I more deeply sense that we are responding to the “Still Small Voice”, the heart of God calling us upward to high places. And when God calls, we must answer, […]

Iron Works Men’s Summit

Cohutta Springs Conference Center 1175 Cohutta Springs Rd, Crandall, GA, United States

REGISTRATION CLOSED Greetings Brothers, You are invited to attend The Iron Works Men's Summit  being held at Cohutta Springs Conference Center on the weekend of October 8-10, 2021. "The Iron Works" serves as a metaphor and a framework for the weekend.  From the crush of the quarry to the finishing grind, it's a process that every […]

Southern Union Men’s Leadership Summit

Cohutta Springs Conference Center 1175 Cohutta Springs Rd, Crandall, GA, United States

SUMMIT OVERVIEW: The Southern Union Men's Leadership Summit  is a training, equipping, and empowering weekend for men's ministry leaders from across the Southern Union and beyond. SUMMIT DATE: April 22-24, 2022 SUMMIT LOCATION: Cohutta Springs Conference Center, 1175 Cohutta Springs Rd, Crandall, GA 30711 A MAN BUILDING WEEKEND: Whether you are a seasoned men’s ministry […]

Strong Fathers, Strong Daughters Campout

Gee Creek Campground, TN

Dear Dad, Most fathers find that relationships with their sons comes much more naturally than their relationships with their daughters.  But, developing a deep and meaningful relationship with your daughter, while often challenging, is much more important than you may realize, and well worth the effort. Research reveals that girls who have meaningful relationships with […]

Ministry Leadership Expedition

Greetings Ministry Leader, Long ago John Muir proclaimed… “The mountains are calling, and I must go.”  And while I wholeheartedly agree with Muir, I more deeply sense that we are all responding to the “Still Small Voice”, the heart of God calling us upward to high places, or in this case downward to low places! […]

Father-Son Appalachian Trail Adventure

Roan Mountain, Cherokee National Forest, TN TN, United States

Dear Dad, The Father-Son Appalachian Trail Adventure is a 4-day backpacking trip across one of the most stunning sections of the Appalachian Trail, the Roan Highlands of northeast Tennessee. And, while we will be hiking during the heat of the summer, you can expect to experience cool temperatures on this mile-high ramble!  The purpose of […]