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Built for Freedom Men’s Summit @ Cohutta Springs

September 13 @ 4:00 pm - September 15 @ 11:00 am


Last year the theme for our annual retreat was “Men Under Construction” which was one of our best events ever.  The venue was packed, the weather was fabulous, and the Holy Spirit was poured out in a powerful way!

This year we will be taking the next step which is to discover that we were “Built for Freedom”… not the freedom that the world offers, but the true freedom that is only found in Jesus Christ!

The theme for this year’s men’s retreat is “Built for Freedom”, and because living in freedom is such a huge challenge, we’re calling it a MEN’S SUMMIT!

The Built for Freedom Men’s Summit is specially designed for men like you who desires 

  • Freedom IN Christ,
  • Freedom FROM Bondage,
  • Freedom TO Love,
  • Freedom FOR God’s Glory

Here’s a snapshot of the freedom God offers to every man…

The anchoring scripture for this powerful weekend is John 8:32 which provides the “secret” to living in freedom.

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.  ~ Jesus Christ

The secret is that true freedom is found by “knowing the truth”.  This “knowing” is a deep intimate relationship with Jesus Christ who is “the way, the TRUTH, and the life”.  When you truly know Jesus you will walk in freedom.

The purpose of the Built for Freedom Men’s Summit is to help men like you break free and live the life that God designed you to live. A life full of joy, peace, and power! But you can’t live in freedom riding the fence or by being luke warm. You must be ALL IN!

At last year’s retreat 10 men were baptized in the lake and started their journey to freedom. And this year we are praying that many more men will take the plunge to go ALL IN with Christ!

So, in closing, if your not living in total freedom you need to come the the Built for Freedom Men’s Summit.  It could very well be just what you need to break free.  See you at the summit!

Here’s to Living in Freedom,

Marty Miller


  • Theme: Built for Freedom
  • Date:  September 13-15, 2024
  • Location: 1175 Cohutta Springs Rd, Crandall, GA 30711
  • Attendees: Men ages 15+


Registration Timeline:

  • Registration Begins: June 21, 2024
  • Registration Ends: Sep 6, 2024 (extended from Sep 1)

Registration Options: Complete details on registration page.

Commuters.  If you live nearby and want to drive back and forth. Sleep in your own bed!

  • Full Weekend Commuter – no meals $50
  • Full Weekend Commuter with meals $150

Campers. If you like camping in an RV or tent these are great options. Save money… share a site!

  • RV Site – no meals $155
  • RV Site with meals $260
  • RV Guest – no meals $50
  • RV Guest with meals $150
  • Camper – no meals $60
  • Camper with meals $155

Motel. If you want to hit the easy button this is it! Bring a friend, share a room.

  • Standard Motel Room (Double Occupancy) – $265
  • Queen Balcony Motel Room (Double Occupancy) – $275
  • Handicap Motel Room (Single Occupancy) – $370
  • Standard Motel Room (Single Occupancy) – $370
  • Queen Balcony Motel Room (Single Occupancy) – $420
  • Suite (Double Occupancy) – $485

Stuff. Here’s a list of things you should bring.

  • Bible
  • Comfortable Shoes
  • Casual Clothes – no ties allowed!
  • Camp Chair
  • Flashlight
  • Water bottle
  • Toiletries
  • Cell Phone/Charger
  • Great Attitude
  • A few friends!


NOTE: We offer financial assistance to those in need. Please request this option when registering. Thank you!



4:00    Check-In Begins

6:00    Supper – Dining Hall

7:00    Session 1

8:30    Evening Activities


6:30     Prayer and Praise Walk

7:30     Breakfast – Dining Hall

9:00     Session 2

10:30   Break

11:00    Session 3

12:30    Lunch – Dining Hall

1:30      Recreation Options – see below

4:00     Session 4

4:30     Testimonies & Baptisms at the Lake

5:30      Supper – Dining Hall

7:00      Session 5

8:30      Evening Activities


6:30    Prayer and Praise Walk

7:30    Breakfast – Dining Hall

9:00    Session 6

11:00   Circle of Men Farewell


Joe Martin, Ph.D.

Dr. Joe Martin is an award-winning international speaker, author, educator, and certified “man builder.”  His life story can be summarized in one simple sentence: “He went from rags to riches to ruined to redemption.”  Joe leads Real Men Connect, a multimedia based men’s ministry that produces resources that helps Christian men win!

Jorge Torres

Jorge L. Torres is a U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Chaplain serving the Army Special Operations Aviation Command (Airborne) in Fort Liberty, NC. He is a decorated combat veteran who has served in multiple operational environments during his tenure.  Jorge enjoys challenging men to live courageous lives of uncompromising integrity. He and his wife are blessed with four adult children.

Grant Graves

Grant is an author, speaker, and educator. Grant has produced scores of inspiring Blueprint for Men podcasts during the past several years that have been listened to by men around the world. He has authored several men’s ministry books including Morning Summit, Coaching Champions, and Fearless. Currently Grant serves as an elementary teacher, men’s small group leader, and speaker at a variety of events throughout the southeast. He and his treasured wife have two young children.

Tom Pyke

Tom has been involved with Blueprint for Men since it’s inception and is an integral part of the ministry leadership team. Tom’s career path included senior management positions within large corporations, specializing in organizational effectiveness and process improvement. These skills have been a blessing to this ministry and in guiding men with developing goals and plans for life.

Tom has a passion for teaching men how to connect with God and become authentic men through a daily walk with God.  He is an avid outdoorsman and enjoys hiking and backpacking in remote places. He has led many small groups since joining the ministry as a volunteer and gets great satisfaction in seeing men discover the value of fellowship and brotherhood.

Tom is married to Trina and lives in Oceanside. He is the proud father of 3 sons and 2 stepsons and is blessed with 4 grandsons and 2 granddaughters.  Life is good!

Marty Miller

Marty is a lover of God, a lover of nature, and a lover of people. These three loves have defined all that Marty has pursued in life.  Marty has a bachelor’s degree in biology and master’s degree in outdoor education and through the years has served as principal, multi-grade teacher, middle school science teacher, high school science teacher, nature center director, and university outdoor leadership professor. 

After nearly 30 years in education Marty transitioned into full-time ministry by creating Blueprint for Men.  Through retreats, small group support, leadership training, and curriculum development, Marty is helping men to step up and become the men God designed them to be!  Since its inception, the Blueprint for Men network has been instrumental in starting dozens of men’s discipleship groups throughout the country.  

Last, but not least, Marty and his treasured wife Gale, live in Collegedale, Tennessee. They are the proud parents of two adult children and four grand-children. Life is good! 


Ben Roy

Ben Roy is an award winning educator, science showman, and founder and president of Science Zone. He enjoys doing science shows and dramatic demonstrations that convey spiritual object lessons to audiences of all ages. He has worked in the followig capacities throughout his distinguished career.

  • Presenter at 3ABN’s “Creation is Science” program
  • Director of the News Channel 9 Science Theater
  • Producer of science materials for Go Science, the Weather Channel, and more
  • Teacher Resource Agent for the American Astronomical Society
  • Upward Bound Math & Science Instructor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.


Raymond Dewar

Raymond has a love for the Lord and a desire to serve. The father of three sons and happily married for 27 years. He has served in various leadership roles in church. Sabbath School Superintendent, Health Ministry Director, ordained Deacon and Elder as well as Music Director. With a string live of music and especially hymns of faith he loves to lead congregations in enthusiastic singing. He owns and operates Three Oaks Wellness in Ethridge Tennessee as a Manual Therapist specializing in therapeutic bodywork for over a decade.

Kyle Neuroh

Kyle is a husband, father, musician, and carpenter that joyfully walks with God.

Tag Garmon

Tag Garmon is a husband, father, musician, and craftsman.  Tag has preformed music in prisons, churches, schools, concert venues and at events of all kinds throughout the southeast. He and his wife Kirsten have three adult children and 2 grandchildren.


By Tag Garmon



I am free, I am free

For you have first loved me

And you bore my sin upon that tree

I am free, I am free


And I am unafraid

For you have risen from the grave

And all my enemies were overthrown

I am unafraid


I am free, I am unafraid

Free and unafraid

In Jesus I am free

Thank you, Jesus, I am free


I am clean, I am clean

For you have purchased me

And your precious blood removes my shame

I am clean, I am clean.


And I am unashamed

For you have given me your name

And I will not care what others say

I am unashamed.


I am free, I am unafraid

Clean and unashamed

In Jesus I am free

Thank you, Jesus, I am free.


I am free, I am unafraid

Clean and unashamed

In Jesus I am free

Thank you, Jesus, I am free.



MEN’S SUMMIT FLYER – Print this out and post where men can see it!


CHURCH BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENT – Place this announcement in your church bulletin! 

Attention Men: You are invited to attend the Georgia-Cumberland Conference Built for Freedom Men’s Summit at Cohutta Springs on September 13-15, 2024. This annual event is for every man that desires to live free in Christ, to be empowered by the Holy Spirit, to live free from the bondage to sin, and live for the glory of God. Complete details can be found at BlueprintForMen.org. Registration extended to September 6.

PRESENTATION SLIDE – Download this slide and share on your screens.



Tucked away in the North Georgia mountains and surrounded by a glistening 55-acre lake, Cohutta Springs Conference Center is the perfect setting for our annual men’s retreat.  You will feel your stress melt away whether you stay in one a motel room overlooking the lake or are camping with other guys out under the stars. The main lodge houses a large auditorium, four breakout rooms, and the dining hall where delicious buffet style meals ensure you will never go hungry!

WEBSITE for Cohutta Springs

VIDEO for Cohutta Springs

CAMPUS MAP for Cohutta Springs


The 2023 “Men Under Construction Men’s Retreat” 


Here’s a few pictures for you to check out from last year’s “Men Under Construction Men’s Retreat”. Lot’s of smiles!


Here’s the email sent out to all the guys that attended last year’s retreat. It gives you a good idea of what happened last year and what to expect this year.


Thank you so much for joining us at the Men Under Construction Retreat this past weekend.  What a powerful experience that was!  As I look back on the weekend, I thought I would share with you what I believe made this event so outstanding and also challenge each one of you to take several steps toward becoming the man God designed you to be.

The Making of a Powerful Retreat

  1. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit Power

I have attended many outstanding men’s retreats over the years, but I truly believe that this year was the best ever because the Holy Spirit was poured out at another level. The Sabbath afternoon baptisms were the high point of the weekend. Grant Graves called men to take a stand, to be ALL IN, and 10 men took a stand for rebaptism. Dave Ketelsen shared a message that brought it all home with a good dose of humor and then we headed down to the lakeside where we cheered and sang praises to our good God. Powerful!

The men that were baptized included Gary Green, Rudy Escobar, Roberto Enfante, Andrew Gonzales, Josh Galbraith, Jake Mertz, David Adams, Xaver Pinero, Spencer Hoernes, and Greg Leavitt. Those performing the baptism included Dave Ketelsen, Doug Brown, Grant Graves, and Dean Reed.

  1. The Energy of Younger Men

Because we had an increase in the number of younger men at the event, we had a higher level of energy and enthusiasm. I know that life is especially hectic for those of you from 25-45 so I commend you for taking the time and pray that the experience challenges you to take action in your life in the areas that need it the most.

  1. The Spectacular Fall Weather

Cohutta Springs is always a beautiful place but this weekend the sky, trees, water, and land were really showing off God’s glory in a spectacular way. The cool weather and breezy conditions were invigorating to my soul!

  1. Inspirational Music and Testimonies

The music this year was the most inspiring ever. There is nothing like hearing deep masculine voices belting out praises to God and “Builder of Men”, by Tag Garmon, was perfect for bringing out the best in all of us. And the testimonies by Tag, Jim Moon, and many other men brought raw authenticity.

  1. Challenging Messages and the Blueprint System Launch

In past events I have not had a major speaking part but this weekend I felt compelled to share with you the beginning of what will be the Blueprint System.  Even though we didn’t spend much time covering this content I think that there is enough for you to craft your own blueprint in the days ahead. Share your plan with another man and get building. I need your feedback too! More details will be coming soon!

Here’s a link to the presentation I gave about Men’s Discipleship that you can see in full detail. (This is Module 5 of the Men’s Ministry Leadership Course)

Next Steps… Moving Forward!

The main reason that I’m sending you this email is to encourage you to get plugged into resources and groups that will help you grow as a godly man in the days ahead. Here’s what I recommend…

Step #1 – Start Reading Our Weekly Email

Just by attending this retreat you will begin to receive our weekly email. Check your inbox every Thursday morning. Brandon Bell and I work to provide you with a regular source of inspiration and information about how to lead and succeed in every area of life. Many links in our email lead to our Blueprint for Men website where you will find upcoming events and an increasing number of resources.

Step #2 – Start Listening to Our Weekly Podcast

Every week Grant Graves creates our Blueprint for Men Podcast filled with stories, challenging messages, interviews, and more. They are only 14 minutes long so can be enjoyed during your commute. Most of the messages are appropriate and interesting for your children as well.

Step #3 – Get Access to RightNow Media

As a retreat attendee you have been given access to RightNow Media, a video streaming service that provides Christian content for men, women, youth, marriage, finances, etc. You can download the RNM app and listen/watch content anywhere on your mobile device. Not only is this a tremendous resource for you and your family, but it also provides you with much of the content for our men’s groups all for FREE. Look for an email from RightNow Media that will direct you on how to get your account set up.

Step #4 – Get Connected… Join or Start a Men’s Discipleship Group
Your journey ahead will be challenging but if you are walking with God, and have a godly band of brothers, you will succeed. Please consider joining an online group today… or start your own! Here are some options for you to consider.

  1. Visit our SmallGroups webpage to discover all of the groups we offer.
  2. Schedule a call with our small group coordinator, Tom Pyke, if you need guidance.
  3. Join our VIRDUX (Leading Men) virtual group every Sabbath from 7:30-9:00 am ET.
  4. Order a Morning Summit book. This 13-week habit building program is designed for groups.
  5. Order a Coaching Champions workbook and start coaching or mentoring a younger man.

Step #5 – Your Pornography Addiction… Deal with it NOW!

Most men receiving this email are struggling with sexual sin, especially in the area of pornography. If you are under conviction to address this cancer in your life now is the time to deal with it. Here’s a fact… You will either deal with your pornography addiction or it will deal with you, and it will be devastating. Please don’t put this off my friend. Here’s your lifeline… grab it now!

  1. Join our Men of Integrity (Sexual Purity) virtual group on Mondays from 7:00-8:30 pm ET.
  2. Schedule a call with our small group coordinator, Tom Pyke, to find out more.

Step #6 – If You’re a Dad, Become an Intentional Father

Last summer I created a webpage for Father’s Day that provides a variety of resources that will help you become an intentional father. Go to the webpage and get going or download the following resources that are also found on that page.

  1. Adulting Challenge Blueprint
  2. Manhood Rites and Blessings
  3. 10 Roles of an Intentional Father
  4. A Prayer of Blessing for Your Wife

My Closing Challenge to Every Man

 Follow-through on Your Commitment

You made some commitments this past weekend and shared it with another man.  Now you need to put together a plan, do the work, and become the man God called you to be. Stay humble, stay committed, and start building together with God.

We Will Follow-through Our Commitment

We at Blueprint for Men are here to support you, pray for you, and cheer you on as you become the man God designed you to be. In the days ahead, we would love to hear about the progress you are making so feel free to reach out at any time.

Here’s to Building Better Men,

Marty D. Miller

Blueprint for Men, Founder & President

Mobile      423.322.8491

Website    www.blueprintformen.org

Address    10316 Conifer Ridge Dr, Ooltewah, TN 37363



September 13 @ 4:00 pm
September 15 @ 11:00 am


Cohutta Springs Conference Center
1175 Cohutta Springs Rd
Crandall, GA 30711 United States
+ Google Map