If you are helping with the Sonrise Marketplace setup this page is for you! Please scan through this information and come prepared. Thank-you!
Sonrise Marketplace Setup SOPs
Contact Personnel:
Sonrise Pageant Director
- Sherry Williams
- 423-396-2134
- ssplatt@southern.edu
Promenade Coordinator
- Sharon Moses
- 423-834-1493
- moses4@gmail.com
Marketplace Construction
- Marty Miller
- 423-322-8491
- martydeanmiller@gmail.com
4 Day Fair Weather Plan
- Truck Trailer delivered to Cafeteria Drive adjacent to Thatcher South.
- 2-5pm Unload Truck Trailer
- 8 am Construction of Marketplace structures
- 12 pm Lunch (bring your own)
- 1 pm Attach Long Boards and Burlap
- 4 pm Finish construction
- 4-8 pm Shop keepers take down burlap, roll, duct tape, label, and remove all nails, staples, etc.
- 8 pm Truck trailer delivered after sundown by Plant Services (Dan Ford)
- 8-11 Load back of trailer so that burlap, baskets, etc. stay very dry
- 8 am Take down shops and pack trailer
- 12 pm Finish Packing Trailer
Rainy Weather Adjustments
Rainy Thursday
- Unpack Friday morning starting at 6 am
Rainy Thursday and Friday
- Unpack on Thursday but place all materials under plastic tarps, build Friday
Rainy Saturday
- Let burlap dry out on Sunday morning, pack late Sunday afternoon
Rainy Sunday
- Pack up on Saturday night
- Work gloves
- Cordless drills with fully charged batteries!
- T-25 star bits only… NO Philip Head screws!!!
- Cloth Aprons w/pockets for screws
- Claw Hammers
- Heavy Duty Staplers – slap variety best
- Step Ladders
Safety Reminders:
- Ladders are the most dangerous piece of equipment on a construction site
- Stand on the uphill side of the step ladder facing downhill
- Do not stand on the top two rungs
- Four step ladders should be used on each wall being constructed near Thatcher South
- Four step ladders should be used on the Promenade
- Wear protective eyewear
- Wear mechanic type gloves
- Wear dust mask when working in the trailer
Truck Trailer Unloading/Loading Notes:
- Finish with blowing/sweeping out the entire trailer
Loading Sequence and Tips
- Make sure the trailer has been swept or blown out before loading
- Build shelf in back out of metal brackets
- Place carts, burlap, baskets, etc. above and below shelf
- Place Pilates Judgement Hall steps under shelf and fill voids with buckets and misc.
- Place gate pillars on top of Pilates Steps
- Place gates vertically to right of gate pillars and pushed up to shelf
- Place Standards w/fins on top of gate pillars and vertically hanging from fins in space between right wall and gates
- Stack Thatcher South shop panels along the right side of trailer. Four stacks of 20 panels each
- Place all long boards on top of shop panels
- Stack Promenade shop panels to the left of other stacked panels
- Place 6 crosses in the space left between the panels and the trailer double doors
Construction Tips and Reminders
- Use only T-25 deck screws
- Panels at Thatcher South should be angled to fit spread/width of super long planks