Course Preparation:
Step One
Download the Blueprint for Men Church Center app on your smart phone, tablet, and laptop.
All communication, scheduling, and content/links will be delivered through this app. This platform makes everything so much easier for you as the participant as well as for those of us providing the course. Please note that you cannot begin the course unless you have downloaded the app.
Step Two
Create your own profile in the Blueprint for Men Church Center app.
Your profile must include an email address. If a member does not have an email address and is unable to set up to get one and access it, then he must partner with a brother who can communicate with him on what is happening in the group. (events, messaging, resources, etc)
Step Three
Familiarize yourself with all Church Center features. Become knowledgeable so you can complete the following tasks.
- Read and reply to a message from another member
- Create a message
- Email one or more members in your group from church center
- Know what links and documents are available to members in the “Resources” tab
- Select an event and send an RSVP indicating whether you will be attending or not
- Edit your visible contact information so other members can see your email address and/or your phone number
Step Four
Subscribe to the following content delivery systems.
- Blueprint for Men Podcasts
- RightNow Media
- Blueprint for Men Facebook Group