
Men’s Prayer Breakfast

Collegedale Church 4829 College Dr E, Collegedale, TN, United States

Gentlemen, You are invited to attend our annual Collegedale Church Men’s Prayer Breakfast on Sunday, January 19 at 8:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Our theme this year is "Men of Action" and our focus verse is... Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let everything you do be done […]

The Forge @ The Outpost

The Forge is our winter season Blueprint for Men gathering at the Men's Outpost. The Outpost is an old warehouse, near a little airstrip, tucked into the oaks and pines. We meet around a big campfire out back or, if the weather is bad, we hangout inside the shop. It’s a man code evening complete with […]

10th Anniversary Celebration

Hidden Springs 5300 Howardsville Rd, Apison, TN, United States

Greetings Friends, You are invited to join me and a host of other wonderful men and women at our 10th Anniversary Celebration on Sunday, April 13 at Hidden Springs.  It will be an evening you don't want to miss!  Our time together will include warm fellowship, a delicious dinner, and an inspirational program in which […]

Father’s Day

JUNE 15, 2025 Father's Day is an important date on the calendar for families, churches, communities, and our nation. It's a day to celebrate dads, to affirm them for the strength they bring to their families, and to encourage them to be the fathers that their kids need them to be. But it takes more […]

Father-Son Rite of Passage

Big Sandy Trailhead, Boulder, WY Big Sandy Trailhead, Boulder, WY, United States

The Father-Son Rite of Passage is a 7-day backpacking trip in one of the most stunning sections of the Rocky Mountains, the Wind River Range of Wyoming.  The purpose of this trek is not to see how fast we can go but how deep we can go, so most days are fairly short in distance […]