Our mission at Blueprint for Men is to help you to succeed and lead in areas of life that matter most.  To do this we have found that a solid foundation must be laid with a daily walk with God and with the encouragement and accountability found in small discipleship groups.  This is essential!

Over time, with consistent effort and discipline, you will experience a deep transformation that affects every area of life.  You will discover that your relationships improve and your emotional and physical health improve as well.  This is not an easy path but in the end you will experience the “good life” that God designed you to live!

No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.  Hebrews 12:11

Below are a list of outstanding opportunities and resources that will make an eternal difference in your life, your marriage, and in your children.

No matter your age, it’s tme to begin the journey.  So let’s get going!

Here’s to Building Better Men,

Marty Miller

Blueprint for Men, Founder & President


Knowledge is Power! Be a powerful man!

Ignorance is not bliss. Most men struggle in life unnecessarity because they were not taught how to succeed in marriage, parenting, finances, health, and much more. A wise humble man recognizes this and seeks ways to overcome these deficits through inspiration and educational resources.  We recommend resources for each of these areas of life and find that they are best experienced in a small group. We have found that video content delivered by RightNow Media is a great way to start.

Blueprint for Men can provide you with free access to RightNow Media. This video streaming platform delivers much of our video-based manhood education curricula. You can watch these on a mobile phone app, your laptop, tablet, and smart TV. To discover more about RightNow Media CLICK HERE.

Free Access to RightNow Media

To gain free access to RightNow Media simply email and you will recieve an invite from RNM.  It’s super simple and an absolutely free gift from Blueprint for Men.


Authentic Manhood provides the most comprehensive curricula available. A video-based format with accompanying workbooks.  We recommend Quest for Authentic Manhood and 33-The Series whic are available on RightNow Media.  Click image below to watch series trailer on YouTube.


Fatherhood is one of the most important things a man will do in his life. Get equipped to succeed!

We provide father-daughter and father-son adventures from the Appalachians to the Rockies. Here are some coming up next year!


  • April – Father-Daughter Wildflower Campout – details on events page
  • July – Father-Son Rite of Passage – details on events page


WATCH “Restore”.  A Blueprint for Men short film about a father- son Porsche restoration project.

WATCH “Purposeful Outdoor Experiences for Dads”.  A Blueprint for Men short film about how dads can create outdoor experiences with an eternal purpose. 

WATCH parenting videos such as “Grace Based Parenting” on RightNow Media. 

ORDER The Intentional Father: A Practical Guide to Raise Sons of Courage & Character by John Tyson


Marriage is a journey to increasing intimacy. Be prepared to succeed!

To have a successful marriage you must continually invest quality time into your relationship.  Here are some suggested resources that will strengthen your marriage. These are much less expensive than marriage therapy!


WATCH Marriage videos found on RightNow Media such as the Crazy Cycle, His Needs, Her Needs, and The Art of Marriage are excellent. Click on the image below for a preview of the Crazy Cycle video-based curriculum.


If your marriage is in trouble we highly recommend professional marriage counseling.  Ask your local pastor for recommendations and take action NOW!

If your marriage just need a tune-up you might consider some marriage coaching which is available for a very modest cost.  We recommend the Prepare-Enrich assessment and would be glad to direct you to a facilitator.


There’s nothing like the energy of a men’s large event. You gotta experience it!

We provide events ranging from outdoor retreats to large conventions. Almost half of the men that attend large events join small groups after attending a momentum event.


If you are interested in attending an event check out our Events webpage regularly for updates. Here are some upcoming momentum events that you might consider.

October 2023   Fall Men’s Retreat @ Cohutta Springs – details on events page


Men were created for active adventure, not sedentary boredom!

We lead outdoor adventures for active men that range from alpine mountaineering to flatwater canoeing.  Here are a few opportunities for you to consider in the year ahead. Complete info coming soon!

Jan 2022      Winter Backpacking Trip – details on events page

July 2023     Father-Son AT Adventure – details on events page


Men were designed to serve those in need. Step-up and reach out!

Men’s Outpost

Our Men’s Outpost serves as our ministry center in the Chattanooga area. The Outpost provides workshop space and tools necessary to serve those in need in our community.

Disaster Relief

We are partnering with a variety of disaster relief organizations.  Join a team of men who mobilize when disaster strikes.

Mission Trips

What if you could combine a mission project with a safari? We are planning a Kenya Mission Trip for next spring.  Stay-tuned for more information.


It is not good for man to be alone. Get connected to a small group!

Over the years we have started and supported nearly 100 small groups in more than 25 states and in more than 7 countries (Mexico, Canada, Indonesia, Curacao, Pakistan, Columbia). Small discipleship groups are the backbone of this ministry and are the place where strong men of God are built.  Here are a few groups that we offer both in-person and through video conferencing.

1. Men’s Discipleship Groups

Our men’s discipleship groups primarily use the Every Man a Warrior curriculum. The entire three-book series requires about a year to complete. During their time together men develop skills and disciplines that include bible study, scripture memorization, prayer, and journaling.  Transformational!

Email to start or join a group.

2. Authentic Manhood Groups

Our entry level groups mostly use video-based curriculum with workbook such as Quest for Authentic Manhood and 33-The Series.  During the course men learn to unpack their past and build a solid plan for their future.  Very insightful and practical. Your life will never be the same.

Email to start or join a group.

3. Morning Summit Groups

These small groups follow the Morning Summit curriculum which helps men develop a solid morning routine that builds the Core4… mental, physical, social, and spiritual dimensions.  This quarterly habit builder will get your life back on track.

Email to start or join a group.

4. Men of Integrity Recovery Groups

Many men in the church struggle with pornography and sex addiction. Our Men of Integrity recovery groups help men to Live in Freedom Every Day.  If you are struggling with sex addiction take action. You don’t have to live in bondage every day!

Email to start or join a group.


Men are designed to take initiative. Become a better men’s ministry leader today!

Blueprint for Men provides men’s ministry leadership training for increasing numbers of men around the world. Here are some options for you to consider.

  • Training – Join our Blueprint for Men Leadership Academy
  • Coaching – We provide monthly coaching calls
  • Networking – We have monthly Zoom meetings for leaders

Email to get connected!


Life-seasoned men should share their wisdom with younger men.

As men move through life they gain wisdom that must be shared with the next generation. Here are some recommended resources and strategies to help you mentor other men. If you are a younger man, seek out wise mentors like you would precious treasure!

Recommended Resource:

PURCHASE The Christian Man Mentoring Experience 


We are creating a movement of men. Stay connected.

We communicate our message through emails and texts. Let us know your preference and frequency and we will deliver.

  • Email – weekly, monthly
  • Text Message – weekly, monthly

Email to get connected!


Blueprint for Men provides inspiration and information through… 

Listen to our Blueprint for Men Podcast on Libsyn, Spotify or iTunes

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