Retreats, Conventions, Prayer Breakfasts, and More…

Over the years Blueprint for Men has provided scores of larger events ranging from men’s breakfasts to conventions that have impacted the lives of thousands of men.

Large events like these often propel men to take courageous steps like recommitting their life through baptism, committing to join a men’s recovery group, or committing to restore a broken relationship.  Below are a listing of momentum events that bring men together for fellowship, inspiration, and challenge.

Men’s Prayer Breakfasts

Men like to eat so it’s only logical that one of the best men’s events for any church men’s ministry to hold is a men’s prayer breakfast.  During these gatherings men can hang out, enjoy casual conversations, eat a man-style breakfast, and hear an inspirational message.  Testimonies, music, and prayer are the most essential ingredients that make these ordinary events extraordinary!

Here’s an example of a recent men’s prayer breakfast that you can check out.



Men’s Day Retreats

Men are busy and often strapped for cash so a perfect way to get men together for a larger men’s gathering is to have a day event. These day retreats can be held at a church or a venue and typically include a morning message, a fellowship lunch, some time for socialization and recreation, and then another closing message.  Well-planned day retreats can be almost as powerful as a full weekend retreat without the larger investment of time and money.

Here’s an example of a day retreat that was held recently in Southern California.


Men’s Weekend Retreats

The pinnacle of all men’s ministry events is the classic weekend retreat. These weekends have the perfect blend of inspiration, information, delicious food, beautiful settings, and Christian brotherhood.  Every man should plan on attending the annual men’s retreat and try to invite as many friends as he can. The investment of time and money is well worth the

Here’s a link to a recent weekend men’s retreat.