
Blueprint Events

Events That Move You!

You were designed for action and adventure. Blueprint for Men offers a wide variety of events ranging from large conventions to wilderness expeditions. Get moving and come alive at one of our life-changing events.

Get Outside and Come Alive!

God created men to be surrounded by the beauty and majesty of creation. It’s where men come alive!  

Blueprint for Men provides a wide variety of outdoor experiences that range from easy daddy-daughter campouts to challenging mountain climbing expeditions like the one featured in the “Into the Mountain” photoblog. 

 To find out more about our outdoor adventures visit our Advent Wilderness Expeditions (A.W.E.) webpage. 

Momentum Events

Retreats, Conventions, and More...

Over the years Blueprint for Men has provided scores of larger events ranging from men’s breakfasts to conventions that have impacted the lives of thousands of men. 

Large events like these often propel men to take courageous steps like recommitting their life through baptism, committing to join a men’s recovery group, or committing to restore a broken relationship.

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