Blueprint Blog

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The Journey of the Intentional Father

Gentlemen, As we continue unpacking the art and science of fatherhood we discover that being a dad is a grand adventure.  From the tender years of infancy through the tough years of adolescence every...

Exodus: From Bondage to Freedom

Fellow Warrior, This iconic painting of George Washington and his valiant men crossing the frozen Delaware River cause me to feel both a sense of pride and an icy shiver from what they were...

Archived Post:

🎖️ We Owe That Man… How Veterans Day Teaches Us Discipline

What if your Bible cost you an arm? Literally. Would such a Bible ever just sit on your shelf, untouched? Unlikely. It would be a constant companion, its passages committed to memory, its teachings...

📚 The Grateful Man’s Guide to Discipline

Get Yourself Together... No one said gratitude would be easy. Who told us gratitude was supposed to be a walk in the park? Life is challenging, unfair, and often cruel. It's easy to justify...

The Winter Wisdom: Reflecting on a Lifetime

Welcome back to our 'Seasons of Manhood' series. As the year draws to a close, we find ourselves in the Winter season of life—defined by men aged 65 and above. This is a season for reflection, giving...