This is the webpage for Advent Wilderness Expeditions leaders.  Here you will find links to resources and information about our leadership team.


This is under development…

Step 1 – Leader Application. Coming Soon.

Step 2 – Follow-up Meeting. After a review of your application we will schedule a one-on-one follow-up virtual meeting.

Step 3 – Join the AWE Leadership Team. We meet monthly as scheduled below.


You are welcome to join our monthly leadership meeting where we review and preview expeditions, review and refine policy, and reflect on the AWE of God. Our meetings are typically on the last Thursday of every month at 10:00 am ET and go for 90 minutes.


Tuesday, February 27 @ 10:00 am ET

Meeting Zoom Link HERE


  • Welcome and Opening Prayer
  • Sharing
    • Your outdoor ministry platform organization. Strengths and weaknesses.
    • How Can We Improve our Outdoor Ministry Message?
    • Focus:  If you run, have run, or plan to run an outdoor ministry, share your outdoor ministry Vision and Mission. Why do you do what you do? What is your value proposition?
    • Plans:  Your anticipated 2025 calendar of events. Greatest challenges. Greatest opportunities. Greatest hopes.
    • Support:  Are you part of a community that you are not leading? How are you supported as a leader? How could this group be helpful?
    • Collaboration:  In what ways could this group collaborate? Is this an outdoor ministry “master mind” group? If so, describe what wisdom and skills you can offer. How could you benefit?
  • Closing Prayer


All meetings are scheduled on the 3rd or 4th Thursday of the month from 10:00-11:15 am ET.

  • January 30
  • February 27
  • March 27
  • April 24
  • May 29
  • June 26
  • July 31
  • August 28
  • September 25
  • October 30
  • November 20


Thursday, January 30 

Meeting Summary: Our Inaugural Meeting! 

  • Welcome – Marty Miller and Doug Brown
  • Our time was spent sharing each of our journeys with family, education, careers, and the outdoors. What a great group! What a rich sharing time we had. Here’s a list of those that attended. Feel free to watch the video recording of our Zoom meeting. Can’t wait till next month. God is doing something special here!
  1. Doug Brown – Ooltewah, TN
  2. Marty Miller – Ooltewah, TN
  3. Ashley Silva – Hayden Lake, ID
  4. Doug Tilstra – Shuswap Lake, BC
  5. Eric Barber – Wenatche, WA
  6. Jeremy Craik – Trout Lake, MT
  7. Bill Blair – Oxford, MS
  8. Andrew Arnold – Laramie, WY

Suggested Assignment:

Watch this engaging and educational video series called “Celebrating the Wonder of the Wilderness” from our friends at Our Daily Bread.  As a Christian Outdoor Ministry leader I think you will find these very insightful.  Enjoy!

Watch Video HERE

Meeting Recording:

Watch Video HERE