
Exodus: From Bondage to Freedom

Fellow Warrior,

This iconic painting of George Washington and his valiant men crossing the frozen Delaware River cause me to feel both a sense of pride and an icy shiver from what they were courageously embarking upon. Not only were they heading out into a bloody cold day but they are also heading into a battle that they were likely to lose. But these men saw beyond the cold, beyond the suffering, beyond the possible failure to the promise of freedom. Freedom from bondage to an oppressive government.

Are you facing a battle against a seemingly overpowering enemy? Are you ready to suffer mightily for the promise of freedom that lies ahead? If this is you my friend continue reading about how Freedom IN Christ can empower you to take the courageous step to become free FROM the bondage of sinful habits.

Men, it’s time to take action and break free FROM the shackles that bind you. It’s time to live in freedom every day!

Here’s to Helping Men Break Free From Bondage!

Marty Miller

Blueprint for Men

Founder | President


Exodus: From Bondage to Freedom

Essay by Mike Hansen

The story of the Exodus journey, from bondage to freedom, was central to the identity of the nation of Israel throughout biblical times. And the apostle Paul uses this as a metaphor for conveying the idea that true freedom is found through our adoption as sons of God.

‘For all those led by God’s Spirit are God’s sons. For you did not receive a spirit of slavery to fall back into fear. Instead, you received the Spirit of adoption, by whom we cry out, “Abba, Father!”’ Romans 8:14-15

Abandoned by My Father

Most bondage and addiction originate from wounds received in the tender years of our childhood. And this is true of me.  You see, my dad abandoned me early and life. Because of this I really didn’t have a man in my life that I could call “daddy”.  Not having a dad especially hurt me during my adolescent years, when I was developing into a young man.

It was during this insecure vulnerable time of life that I was first exposed to pornography and the hooks of this addiction went deep into my soul. I didn’t have a dad to guide me into manhood, to give me confidence, and to show me how to relate with women.

Abba: My Daddy in Heaven

When I finally became a believer and learned that I could call my Heavenly Father my Abba – my daddy – I also became highly aware of the tension I found myself in: a slave to sin and stuck in a pornography habit.

To win in this battle, to escape this bondage, I needed to develop a new identity and a deeper relationship with Christ. I needed to escape the shame and condemnation of sin.

“Therefore there is now no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus” Romans 8:1

This verse became the emancipation proclamation for my soul!  Not only was I free to live without condemnation, I was proclaimed to be a fully adopted son with all the rights and privileges of being in God’s family.  I finally had the perfect DADDY!

Freedom from sin begins with believing that we are sons of Father God and heirs of salvation.

Listen to the interview with Mike Hansen here. Enjoy!


Your Identity as a King

Your freedom finds its foundation in your identity as a man. As a king.  In his book, Becoming a King, Morgan Snyder helps us men move into that role from Beloved Son to Benevolent King.

Here’s an excerpt from chapter one.  “What might it be like, deep in our masculine soul, to live in an atmosphere of abundance? To live with an abiding expectation of goodness now and goodness around the corner? To know a profound sense of robust well-being, a sense of being provided for, protected, and fed? To experience a union with God that nothing could dissolve?

What would it be like to be so restored as a son that we could become our true self?

To become the kind of king, like Paul, who over time was able to live energetically, rooted in God, even in the midst of hunger, shipwreck, and torture? Imagine what it would be like to receive that validation from the Father, to have that reservoir, from which to drink daily. To be integrated in our masculine soul, to live in ever-increasing union with the Father. We would become unstoppable. Pause for a moment, and let that sink in. Truly.

To find out more about the entire “Becoming a King” curriculum and video series by clicking on the link below. It’s free!



Join The Exodus Freedom Journey

“The Exodus Freedom Journey” is a guided 40-day program, developed by Mike Hansen, that helps men break free from bondage to pornography. Custom coaching available from author Mike Hansen.


Join a Men of Integrity Group

Our “Men of Integrity” recovery groups follow well-proven SA curriculum to help men win “every man’s battle”.  Our virtual group, led by a licensed sex addiction therapist, meets every Monday evening from 7:00-8:30 pm ET.  To discover more about this sexual purity curriculum or to join a virtual group click on the link below.



Power Verse

“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.”  Corinthians10:13.

Register for a Built for Freedom Summit TODAY!

Sep 13-15 – Built for Freedom @ Cohutta Springs Conference Center, Georgia

Sep 27-29 – Built for Freedom @ Nosoca Pines Ranch, South Carolina

Oct 18-20 – Men of Power @ Camp Alamisco, Alabama

Nov 1-3 – Man Camp @ Stern Mountain, Tennessee

Nov 15-17 – Built for Freedom @  Indian Creek Camp, Tennessee