
💰 The Lie That Keeps You From Generously Giving.

“Do you know why the statistics say over 90% of people aren’t fulfilled by the work that they do? It’s not because of the job, It’s not because of the pay, it’s not because of the benefits. It’s because we don’t help each other anymore…” -Simon Sinek

Happy Thanksgiving!

This Thanksgiving, I’m reminded of a powerful lesson a friend of mine learned at Cohutta Springs.

During a discussion on giving, attendees were invited to take gift cards as a token of gratitude. As the line formed, those at the front, perhaps unknowingly gripped by scarcity, took more than their share. By the time my friend reached the front, the bowl was empty. The facilitator revealed a thought-provoking truth: there had been enough for everyone, yet the fear of scarcity led to unequal distribution.

The lie that there isn’t enough… is the biggest stronghold that prevents us from experiencing the true joy and fulfillment of Thanksgiving.

The Beauty of Celebrating Thanksgiving:

Thanksgiving is the antidote to the lie that there simply isn’t enough to go around. The joy of Thanksgiving doesn’t come from gorging ourselves on food, but the act of sharing and giving regardless of our resources… It’s just what you do on Thanksgiving! Jesus was very familiar with scarcity and yet he still said:

“Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?”

Matthew 6:26-27

As we enter this season of thanksgiving, this story serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of mindful generosity. It challenges us to look beyond our immediate needs and consider the impact of our actions on the collective good. Let’s embrace a spirit of true sharing, ensuring that our tables and hearts are full and that no one is left with an empty bowl.

Watch These Short Videos & Change Your View of Thanksgiving

THE BIBLE PROJECT: This Lie Can Keep You From Living Generously (5min)

This powerful but short video is the perfect thing to share with your family after Thanksgiving dinner:


Help Yourself by Helping Others | One of The Most Inspirational Speeches Ever (Simon Sinek) – (10min)

This video simply rocks… It calls out all the media that focused on self-improvement…

(Five ways to make YOU happier… Five steps to make YOU richer… Five ways to get what YOU want from people etc.)

Instead, Simon asks: What are five ways to make the guy NEXT to me happier?



With respect and gratitude,

Brandon Bell

– BPFM Communications Director