
Stop saying “One day I’ll change

What’s Your Mañana?

We’ve all heard it and probably been guilty of saying it when we are putting something off and procrastinating…mañana!  And while we may be joking, what we are really saying is “Someday I’ll get around to it”…”Someday I’ll make the bold move”… “Someday I’ll change”… mañana!

You see, mañana is the mantra of procrastinators, the anthem of the indecisive, and the lullaby that puts our ambitions to sleep. But what if “one day” never comes? What if the calendar pages keep flipping, but your life remains the same?

The Mañana attitude, the passivity of man, lurks in every heart, in one way or another. Our challenge is to root it out, to take action, to reject passivity!

Watch our short Blueprint for Men Instagram post below and be challenged to take action… reject passivity!

Building Temples

Because the theme of our fall retreats is “Men Under Construction” we thought it would be appropriate to focus on our core strengths, and our physical, mental, spiritual, and relational dimensions in our email this month.

Today we are starting with our physical dimension which the Bible tell us is pretty important!

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20

The beauty of the physical pillar lies in its simplicity: even small steps can yield profound transformations. Whether it’s opting for a brief walk, doing a handful of push-ups, or just picking water over soda, each minor choice makes a major difference. Moreover, by fortifying our physical well-being, we lay a robust foundation that enhances and supports the growth of all other dimensions.


Rate Your Physical Dimension.

On a scale of 1 to 10 rate yourself on these statements.

  1. I consider myself to be in good physical condition.
  2. I consider myself to be physically active.
  3. I am relatively free of pain that limits my activity.
  4. I am proactive in getting regular medical checkups.
  5. I do aerobic exercise 3 or more days every week.
  6. I do strength-building exercises 3 days every week.
  7. I am intentional about eating wholesome foods.
  8. I am faithful to taking my medications/supplements.
  9. My mother is/was a physically fit and active person.
  10. My father is/was a physically fit and active person.

So how did you do? How are you feeling about your health and wellness? If you scored lower than you’d like, maybe it’s time to make a decision, formulate a plan, and take action. Because there’s no time for Mañana! 

Men, it’s time to turn your “One Day…” into “Day One!” of building a better life! 

Here’s to Building Better Men Together with God,

Brandon Bell

Blueprint for Men

Communications Director