
The Master Key

The Master Key to Everything! 

As we continue our “Men Under Construction” theme this month we are delving into our innermost being, that of our spirit. And just like our body needs breath to be alive, so too does our spiritual life require the “Breath of God”, the Holy Spirit, to be truly alive.

Long ago, when talking with Nicodemus, Jesus used the metaphor of the wind to help him understand how the unseen Holy Spirit works in a powerful visible way…

The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.  John 3:8

It’s difficult to fully understand the way the Spirit works in our lives but we all know it when we see it!

Filling Your Spiritual Gas Tank

Last week we were reminded that our body is the “temple of God”.  And because of this we should do all that we can to be physically fit. But having the fitness of an Olympic champion is not the end goal. Instead, our goal must be to build a body temple that can be fully filled with the power of the Holy Spirit.

The metric that determines our fullness is the amount of time we spend with God. If we spend a little time we are running on fumes. If we are spending a lot of time in God’s word, in meditation, in prayer, in singing, etc. the fuller we will be and the more power we will have to live a victorious life in Christ.

Question: How full is your spiritual gas tank?

Rate Your Spiritual Dimension

On a scale of 1 to 10 rate yourself on these statements.

  1. I go to church almost every week.
  2. I spend time with God almost every day.
  3. I am/have been involved in a men’s small group.
  4. I use my spiritual gifts to bless others in my church.
  5. I am overcoming repetitive sin in my life.

So how did you do? How full is your spiritual gas tank? If you are like most men you are probably a little low.

When we are not filled with the Holy Spirit we have difficulty overcoming depression, sexual temptation, gluttony, anger, and just about everything else. Am I speaking the truth here? Let’s see what research says.


John Brevere and Scott Lindsey, of Logos Bible Software,  discuss current research that conclusively demonstrates that spending time with God 4 or more times every week can change a man’s life. Watch the 2-minute video below.

 FACT:  Spending time alone with God every day will change everything in your life!   

Strength Through Brotherhood

If you find that your spiritual gas tank is running a bit low, or maybe even run dry, you might need some friends that help you get to the spiritual filling station. What I’m talking about is joining the Blueprint for Men brotherhood.

That’s what we at Blueprint for Men are all about. We help men move from isolation and brokenness into healthy community and wholeness! This is important for every man including you!

Take Action Today

If you are not involved in a men’s group, consider joining VIRDUX (Latin for Leading Men), our Saturday morning men’s group that meets at 7:30 am ET. It’s a great fellowship that will help you fill your spiritual gas tank and get you back on the road. It just might be the best decision you can make today!

  • CLICK HERE to join VIRDUX, our weekly Zoom group, every Saturday morning at 7:30 am ET.
  • CLICK HERE to schedule a one-on-one call with Tom Pyke, our small groups coordinator.

If God is calling on your heart to take this step, don’t procrastinate. You’ll be glad you did. I promise!

Here’s to Building Better Men with God,

Marty Miller

Blueprint for Men

Founder | President