Father-Son Appalachian Trail Adventure

The Father-Son Appalachian Trail Adventure is a 4-day backpacking trip across one of the most stunning sections of the Appalachian Trail, the Roan Highlands of northeast Tennessee. And, while we will be hiking during the heat of the summer, you can expect to experience cool temperatures on this mile-high ramble!  The purpose of this trek is not to see how fast we can go but how deep we can go, so most days are fairly short in distance but long in meaningful experiences.  During our time together you will not only strengthen your outdoor skills and nature knowledge but you will also be challenged to go deeper with God, yourself, and others.  Plus you will have a special bonding experience with your son(s) that will last a life-time.  Be prepared to be stretched in every way… but we’ll have fun doing it!


WHEN: June 24-27, 2021

WHO:  Fathers and their sons (ages 7+)

WHAT:  Backpacking, nature study, outdoor leadership, walking with God

WHERE:  Roan Mountain, Cherokee National Forest, TN

PROVIDED:  Trip leadership, naturalist education, spiritual guidance, etc.

BRING:  You are responsible for your own camping equipment

COST:   $100 per father-son.

SIGN-UP DEADLINE: June 18, 2021


Thu, June 24 – Drive to Carvers Gap and hike to Roan High Knob

Fri, June 25 – Roan High Knob to Overmountain Shelter (7.1 miles)

Sat, June 26 – Overmountain Shelter to Doll Flats (6.2 miles)

Sun, June 27 – Doll Flats to Hwy 19E and drive home (3 miles)


Marty Miller, Trip Leader                         

Marty is gifted at discovering and sharing spiritual lessons from nature, God’s second book, as modeled by Jesus Christ, the master educator.  He is an experienced outdoorsman with skills and certifications that include WMI/NOLS Wilderness First Responder, ACA Swift Water Rescue, and AIARE Avalanche Safety. Through outdoor retreats, small group support, leadership training, and curriculum development, Marty is helping men to step up and become the men God intended them to be, better husbands, better fathers, and better disciples of Christ!

“Leader of the Day”

During the trek each “father-family team” will have an opportunity to provide leadership for the entire group in what we call “Leader of the Day”.  During your leadership day you will guide and manage the group as pertaining to safety, schedule, teaching, devotionals, etc. Oversight will be provided by the trip leader, Marty Miller, but just enough to ensure that our objectives are met.

We all need to become better leaders.  And, as fathers, when we grow, our children grow!  By intentionally engaging our children in the decision making and leadership opportunities on this trip they grow with us!

For more information please check out the downloadable info packet and register by June 18, 2021.  Hope to see you on the trail!



2021-06-24 08:00 2021-06-24 18:00 America/New_York Father-Son Appalachian Trail Adventure

The Father-Son Appalachian Trail Adventure is a 4-day backpacking trip across one of the most stunning sections of the Appalachian Trail, the Roan Highlands of northeast Tennessee. And, while we […]

Roan Highlands admin@blueprintformen.org