Welcome to the Men’s Ministry Leadership Certification Course provided by Blueprint for Men. We are excited that you are taking this important step to becoming a powerful leader of men in these last days.
We believe that men’s ministry has the potential to become one of the most important ministries in the church. As men go, so goes the family, so goes the church, and so goes society. If men are strong, their families will be strong, and the church will be strong.
It is urgent that we work with God to build stronger men. Our wives, our children, our church and our God are all depending upon us to take action!
If you’re ALL IN, let’s go!
Here’s to Building Better Men for Him,
Marty Miller
Blueprint for Men, Founder | President
Course Overview:
The Men’s Ministry Leadership Certification Course is designed to educate, equip, and empower you to build and sustain a strong men’s ministry program in your union, conference, or mission.
- Dates: Aug 16 – Nov 1, 2022
- Time: Tuesdays from 7:30-9:00 pm ET
- Format: 12 modules delivered via Zoom.
- Requirements: Computer with high-speed internet and video camera
Course Progression:
Our course curriculum will follow this man-building progression.
- Knowing God
- Knowing Ourselves
- Knowing Our Men
- Building Strong Men
- Building Strong Leaders
- Building Strong Community
- Building a Powerful Movement
Schedule and Resources:
Below are links to the modules being delivered in this course. These provide access to documents, recordings, assignments, and links necessary for the completion of this course. Each module will be activated after each meeting.
Use this Zoom link for the entire course schedule
M1 | Course Overview
M2 | Knowing God
M3 | Knowing Ourselves
M4 | Knowing Our Men
M5 | Building Disciples
M6 | Building Warriors
M7 | Building Habits
M8 | Building Husbands
M9 | Building Fathers
M10 | Building Leaders
M11 | Building Community
M12 | Building a Movement
GREETINGS MEN’S MINISTRY LEADER, Welcome to the Men’s Ministry Leadership Certification Course provided by Blueprint for Men. We are excited that you are taking this important step to becoming a powerful leader […]