Greetings Men’s Ministry Leader,
My name is Marty Miller, and I am the founder and president of Blueprint for Men, a parachurch ministry that provides leadership and support for men’s ministries in the Georgia-Cumberland Conference and the Southern Union Conference of the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists.
I am honored that Noah Musema, the Sabbath School and Personal Ministries Director of the East Central Division African Division, has invited our Blueprint for Men leadership team to provide this Men’s Ministry Leadership Certification Course for you.
We will be providing this course online during the month of February and on-location in Kenya on March 23, 2022. For complete information click on the link below.
Until then… Here’s to Building Better Men for Him,
Marty Miller
Blueprint for Men, Founder & President
Greetings Men’s Ministry Leader, My name is Marty Miller, and I am the founder and president of Blueprint for Men, a parachurch ministry that provides leadership and support for men’s […]