Blueprint for Men is a Christ-centered, relationship-based men’s ministry that helps men live, love, and lead like Jesus.

Greeting Friend,

During the past several years I have witnessed the incredible transformation of many men through what is formally known as “men’s ministry”. While most church members have heard of men’s ministry there is widespread ignorance of what men’s ministry really is and why it is vitally important to the health of the church. I believe that relationship-based men’s ministry can strengthen families and the church like nothing else. Blueprint for Men provides leadership in addressing many of the issues facing men in the church today.

Blueprint for Men is committed to
providing men with a bold vision of God’s plan and purpose for their lives
developing strong leadership in men as they live out their God-given design
challenging men to live Christ-centered, courageous lives of uncompromising integrity
provide men with relationship-based manhood education, support, and accountability.

The time is now for men to step-up and become the men of spiritual integrity that God designed them to be. Join me as we create a movement of authentic godly men!

Here’s to Building Men for Eternity,

Marty Miller
Founder | President