
🙏 The Discipleship Blueprint: Teach Us How to Pray

Happy Tuesday, Brothers,

This week, we’re honing in on a vital aspect of our discipleship journey: prayer. It’s not uncommon for us to encounter periods where our prayer life feels stagnant, more about obligation than opportunity. It’s precisely in these times that we’re invited to dive deeper, seeking a richer engagement with God.

Reflecting on Søren Kierkegaard’s wisdom,

“The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays,”

It’s a call to see prayer as a transformative journey, one that molds us more into Christ’s likeness with every sincere interaction.

Here’s the heart of it: the first step in revitalizing our prayer life is shifting our mindset. Instead of approaching prayer as a duty, we pause, reset, and enter this sacred space with an open heart. It’s about adopting a posture of willingness to see how God desires us to pray—not for His benefit, but for ours. This approach transforms prayer from a routine task to a life-enriching dialogue, tailored by God to foster our growth and deepen our relationship with Him.

As we journey through this week, let’s approach prayer with a renewed perspective, seeing it as a divine opportunity to be shaped and nurtured by our Creator. May this shift not only enrich our prayer life but also draw us deeper into the heart of God, where true transformation occurs.

Blessings & Strength,