Is PORN Slowly Killing You?

Here are some symptoms you might be experiencing…

  • Trying to stop but can’t.
  • Viewing more extreme porn.
  • Ignoring other responsibilities.
  • Losing interest in your partner sexually.
  • Feeling frustrated, ashamed, irritable, or angry.
  • Continuing to view porn regardless of consequences.

If you are experiencing these symptoms you need to seek help immediately.  Here’s what we recommend…

  • Option 1 – Seek help from a licensed counselor and certified sex addiction therapist.
  • Option 2 – Join one of our virtual Men of Integrity recovery groups.

Option 1 – Seek help from a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist.

If you get injured, you might need to go to the Emergency Department to seek professional help.  If you’ve ever done stupid and cut your leg with a chainsaw you don’t just fix the gash with Band-Aids!  If your marriage is in crisis because of your sex/pornography addiction, you need to seek professional help. “White knuckling”, self-help books, and even prayer will not work with most men that are deep in addiction!

Just like there are physicians that are specialized to treat the heart, bones, and brain, there are mental health professionals who have training and certifications that deal specifically with pornography addiction. This is the only kind of therapist you need to seek when you are struggling with this particular issue.

Gabriel Trujillo, a therapist you can trust.

At Blueprint for Men, we highly recommend that you schedule an appointment with Gabriel Trujillo who is not only a Certified Sex Addiction Therapist, but also fluent in English and Spanish, and leads out with our Men of Integrity virtual recovery group.  Here’s a short message from Gabriel.

“I can promise that if you don’t deal with your pornography addiction, it will deal with you, and it will be devastating beyond anything you can imagine.”  Gabriel Trujillo, LPC CSAT

Schedule an Appointment with Gabriel Today.

If you would like to discover more about Gabriel and schedule your first counseling session visit his Renewal Counseling Services website.

If professional counseling services are beyond your financial reach, then we suggest that you consider joining one of our Men of Integrity recovery groups.

Option 2 – Join one of our virtual Men of Integrity recovery groups.

Men engaged in recovery groups report improvements in their mental, physical, and spiritual well-being, leading to healthier marriages and families.

Men of Integrity groups are designed for men who are struggling with pornography addiction. Our groups have helped many men win the battle for sexual purity through well-proven bible-based resources and strategies.  Joining a Men of Integrity group could be one of the most significant things you can do to love your wife and love the mother of your children. We are throwing you a lifeline, don’t miss it!

Below are some of our important guiding documents.   

Schedule a Confidential Call

If you are ready to take this courageous step and join a Men of Integrity recovery group schedule a confidential consultation with Tom Pyke, our intake specialist and small groups coordinator.

Schedule HERE.