Greetings Mountain Men,
John Muir once declaired that “The mountains are calling and I must go!”. And while I wholeheartedly agree with Muir, I more deeply sense that we are responding to the “Still Small Voice”, the heart of God calling us upward to high places. And when God calls we must answer, for to do so is to embark on an adventure like no other! Through the mountain wilderness Moses, Elijah, and Jesus were all faced with the holiness and power of God. That is our goal and our deepest desire. Pray for nothing short of this my friends and be ready for what God has in store… it’s sure to be awesome!
The Mountain Man Rendezvous is a trek into one of the most stunning sections of the Rocky Mountains, the Wind River Range of Wyoming. The purpose of this trek is not to see how fast we can go but how deep we can go, so most days are fairly short in distance but long in meaningful experiences. During our time together you will not only strengthen your outdoor skills and nature knowledge but you will also be challenged to go deeper with God, yourself, and others. Be prepared to be stretched in every way while having fun doing it!
- WHEN: August 17-25, 2025
- WHO: Adventurous Men 18+
- WHAT: Backpacking, nature study, outdoor leadership, walking with God
- WHERE: Big Sandy Trailhead, Wind River Range, WY
- PROVIDED: Trip leadership, naturalist education, spiritual guidance, etc.
- BRING: You are responsible for your own camping equipment
- COST: $150 per person for shared expenses
- SIGN-UP DEADLINE: April 30, 2025
- Sun, Aug 17 – Travel Day – Arrival in Pinedale. Hotel lodging.
- Mon, Aug 18 – Basecamp Trek – Big Sandy Trailhead, hike 7 miles to Clear Lake basecamp
- Tue, Aug 19 – Outdoor Skills – climbing, fishing, survival, nature study, etc.
- Wed, Aug 20 – Outdoor Skills – climbing, fishing, survival, nature study, etc.
- Thu, Aug 21 – Summit Day – climb East Temple Peak (12,605′)
- Fri, Aug 22 – Solo Day
- Sat, Aug 23 – Cirque of the Towers day hike
- Sun, Aug 24 – Hike out to Trailhead, Drive to Hotel, Celebration Dinner
- Mon, Aug 25 – Head home
Marty Miller, M.S. Ed.
Marty is gifted at discovering and sharing spiritual lessons from nature, God’s second book, as modeled by Jesus Christ, the master educator. He is an experienced outdoorsman with skills and certifications that include WMI/NOLS Wilderness First Responder, ACA Swift Water Rescue, and AIARE Avalanche Safety. Marty and his wife Gale have two adult children and 4 grandchildren. Life is good!
Doug Brown, Ph.D.
Over the years Doug has served as church pastor, camp director, and outdoor leadership professor. Doug is an outdoor expert that has skills and certifications including Leave No Trace Master Educator, Wilderness First Responder, Swift Water Rescue Technician, Single Pitch Rock Instructor, Mountaineering Skills and AIARE level II Avalanche Safety and Rescue. He and his wife Twila have two adult children. Life is good!
Greetings Mountain Men, John Muir once declaired that “The mountains are calling and I must go!”. And while I wholeheartedly agree with Muir, I more deeply sense that we are […]